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What The Opposition Doesn't Want You To Know

Opponents of local beer and wine sales argued that alcohol-related crime could increase, due to the easy availability of beer and wine.  But Tyler Police Chief Gary Swindle said the opposite has happened.  “It has, in fact, decreased crime,” he said. “People don’t have to drive as far to get their alcohol – they’re not running out to the county line in a hurry. So the roads are safer from intoxicated drivers.”

--Tyler Morning Telegraph 6.13.15

“There’s an increase in sales tax revenue coming into the community, and that’s very positive. And we just haven’t seen any negative effect, related to crime.”

--Gary Swindle, Tyler Police Chief (June 13, 2015)

“I don’t care whether they vote “For” or “Against” the propositions.  But they don’t need to be using crime or litter as a reason (to vote against) because it just doesn’t show it.”  “Everyone was asked the same question.  “Did you have an increase in crime or litter in relation to the sale of alcohol,” all 25 jurisdictions (of the 28 contacted) said the same thing, “NO.”  Rockwall and Midlothian reported crime went down”

--Former Smith County Sheriff J.B. Smith, KYTX TV, Tyler Texas, Oct. 2012

(Smith was one of Texas’ longest serving (36 years) Sheriffs)

"We had an election last November (2013) in Nash.  Our sales tax is up 66%--almost $200,000 so far this year.  We have had no increase in crime or litter and we just lowered property taxes for our citizens, thanks to the increase in revenue from beer and wine sales.

--Doug Bowers, Nash City Manager (fmr. Tx Police Chief), Oct. 2014

(Update:  Actual increase was $309,000 for 2015)

Tyler Alcohol Crashes Down 20% -- DUI’s down 33%

“According to data from the Tyler Police Department alcohol-related crashes have gone down. In 2012, before the election, there were 141, then in 2013, the year after the election, there were 113. DUIs have also dropped. There were 369 in 2012, but in 2013 there were 247 DUIs in Tyler.”

--KLTV Television, Tyler Texas May 5, 2014

Pol. Ad Paid for by the Economic Growth Committee Political Action Committee.  The Economic Growth Committee PAC was created in 2015 and filed with Texas Ethics Commission to support local option alcohol elections in the State of Texas.

The EGC PAC supports efforts across the State of Texas and is not affiliated with any local 4A or 4B economic development organization or chapter.”